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萨拉帕克斯顿美丽生活(萨拉 帕克斯顿)

2022-08-19 09:36:11 精选知识 来源:
导读 大家好,小福来为大家解答以上的问题。萨拉帕克斯顿美丽生活,萨拉 帕克斯顿这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、你说的是男主...

大家好,小福来为大家解答以上的问题。萨拉帕克斯顿美丽生活,萨拉 帕克斯顿这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、你说的是男主和美人鱼跳舞的那段吧?歌名是“Island In The Sun”原唱就是艾玛罗伯茨~~~~歌词:hip hip hip hip hip hip when you’re on a holiday you can’t find the words to say all the things that come to you and i wanna feel it too on an island in the sun we’ll be playing and having fun and it makes me feel so fine i can’t control my brain hip hip hip hip when you’re on a golden sea you don’t need no memory just a place to call your own as we drift into the zone on an island in the sun we’ll be playing and having fun and it makes me feel so fine i can’t control my brain we’ll run away together we’ll spend some time forever we’ll never feel bad anymore hip hip hip hip hip hip on an island in the sun we’ll be playing and having fun and it makes me feel so fine i can’t control my brain we’ll run away together we’ll spend some time forever we’ll never feel bad any more heh heh we’ll never feel bad anymore (hip hip) (hip hip) no no (hip hip) (hip hip) we’ll never feel bad anymore no no这个地址可以听到美人鱼的所有插曲~~~~~~~i love tock。


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